
I am Basten, a motion designer. Specialized in storytelling through motion and delivering clients standards.

Scroll down to discover some of the work I’ve created in the past and present!

2023 Highlight

Man in Black and White - Small 2D Animation

One of many upcoming scenes for a personal project… Testing with lower fps and textures. Giving me a great sense of relaxation when creating this piece. Have a look!

2023 Highlight

Thinking in Silence - Small 2D Animation

One of many upcoming scenes for a personal project…  Have a look!

2023 Highlight

Meet The Street - 2D Animation

The first official animation I created at Big Shots, a video invitation for clients within Makerstreet.

2023 Highlight

JustLease Private Lease - Animation

JustLease needed an TV commercial to showcase their private lease cars. Using a certain morph and settings.

2022 Highlight

POM - 2D Animation

A video explainer about the advantages and disadvantages of a social learning platform.

2023 Highlight

Politie - Animation

Battling the misuse of DDoS and hacking, the police asked us to create a warning video on YouTube for people between the age of 18 and 26.

2021 Highlight

Orbis Software - 2D Animation

A video explainer I created in 2021… I mean the video is pretty self-explanatory right??


Batman is In Town - Social Animation


Made For Play - Social Animation

2022 General

CowHills - Social Animation

2022 General

Bouma - 2D Animation

2023 General

BS x MIX x Elevator - Social Animation

2024 General

Happy Birthday! - Personal Animation